The importance of quality
Throughout the years, quality has become an ever more important subject in the construction process. The requirements our clients place on the quality of the supplied products and services are increasingly demanding. What’s more, efficiency in the chain is essential, whereby any deviations could lead to disruptions and higher costs. No one in the chain wants this.
Quality assurance is part of our working processes. We ensure as much as possible that we cannot make mistakes, which is why the Dutch Quality Assurance (Building Sector) Act (Wet Kwaliteitsborging voor het Bouwen), or WKB, is such an important external factor. This Act emphasises the importance of quality and ownership, to which we comply fully.
In order to verify that our work processes have been followed correctly, the IJB Group is constantly monitoring and improving quality. In addition, internal and external checks are regularly carried out on all the products we deliver. It is in part because of this that we have numerous product and process certificates, which you can view and, if you so wish, download via the below link.